Many people think can I make money with facebook post or website link sharing or how can I make money with whatsapp and social websites. Many people share different type of links like you will get 1 GB of free recharge or 20 mins talktime or 60 rs and then you can redeem that money into your account. In that many are fake some are geniune but their redeem limits are very high means you can also consider them as zero.

We also search for the best company that is genuine and also paying money for their customers. Also in that you don’t need any type of lenghty registration or survey filling or to invite 3 friends. With that you can easily earn money on the link sharing on your facebook, whatsapp, we chat, kik etc.

So now you are thinking that how can I make money with facebook or other website link sharing ?

Step 1 : For that first you have to register on this website for your account –>  Click here

Step 2 : Scroll down and click on the Join Now button.

Step 3 : Enter Your Email Id and password for Sign Up.

Step 4: Click on I have read the term and condition and verify I am not robot.

Step 5 : Now a verification Email will be send on your registered email ID. Open that email and click on the verification link. Check your Inbox as well as spam folder for activation link.

Step 6: Now your account is ready for use. You can start earning money from facebook post link or other website link.

How to use this to make money ? 

Now you are thinking that after signup how can I use money ? So it’s very simple like a child play. Just use the shorten link option from your dashboard. For example : You want to share ” ” Link from our website. Then first copy this link from the address bar and then paste it into the link shorten. It will give you another link like “ ” Now copy this link and share it with your friends on facebook, Google Plus, Whatsapp, we chat etc. When ever a person will click on this link it will goto the post / article and you will get money in your dashboard.

How much money I will get from this ? 

This company is paying 4.0 – 5.0$ for 1000 clicks. So now it’s depends on you that much you can earn.

When I will get paid ? 

As per their documents every person get their money at 10th date of every month if he/she crosses the threshold ( 5$)

So now goto the link and Signup and start earning money.

—-> Register Here <—-



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