Bollywood’s eagerly awaiting movie of the year 2015 Phantom first official Teaser has been released recently. The film, directed by Kabir Khan, and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under Nadiawala Grandson Entertainment production house. This movie features Bollywood superstar Saif Ali Khan, actress Katrina Kaif and Rajesh Tailang in lead roles and many overseas stars in supporting role.
The Film Phantom is an Indian counter-terrorism, political thriller, Action, Drama set in the volatile climate that exists in South Asia. Constant terror attacks against India have left the Indian people feeling vulnerable and angry. Indian government and special security agencies or Intelligence agencies are helpless as the masterminds of the attacks are out of reach.
When an infiltrator with plans to attack India is caught, the Head of India’s security agency and his team take matters into their own hands. The film follows the protagonist Daniyal, whose journey to seek justice takes him to India, Europe, America and the volatile Middle East. Local assets in various countries help Daniyal, including Nawaz Mistry who works for an American security agency. Daniyal and Nawaz are drawn into a battle of wits with a shrewd and ruthless enemy. With the enemy hot on their heels, Daniyal and Nawaz against all odds try and finish the job they had set out to do. Along the way they find out that in a mission like this there is always a price to pay, in this case a very personal price.
Phantom full movie official Trailer in HD Watch Online:
Phantom Official Trailer | Directed by Kabir Khan | Saif Ali Khan and Katrina Kaif
In the Phantom official teaser Saif Ali Khan and Katrina Kaif looks in rough and tough with aggressive and fighting actions. After a long period of time actor Saif Ali Khan comes with an action and lot of fighting genre movie. Although Phantom film directed by director Kabir Khan, whose previous projects had been related to the India-Pakistan terrorist ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ and recently Bollywood hit movie Bajrangi Bhaijaan based on India-Pakistan relations.
Reportedly, the screenplay of Phantom has been written in co-ordination with best-selling author Hussain Zaidi, and is an adaptation of his recently released book titled Mumbai Avengers. Phantom film will be hit the theater in 28th August of this year 2015.