American Ultra is an American upcoming Hollywood action comedy genre film of the year 2015. The film is directed by Nima Nourizadeh and written by Max Landis. The film features Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Connie Britton, Topher Grace, Walton Goggins, John Leguizamo, Bill Pullman, and Tony Hale. American Ultra is scheduled to be released on August 21, 2015, by Lionsgate distributer of the film.
Movie wiki | Preview | Story | Trailer | Release Date
Movie Title: | American Ultra |
Cast/Starring: | Jesse Eisenberg (Mike Howell),Kristen Stewart (Phoebe Larson),Topher Grace (Adrian Yates), Connie Britton (Victoria Lasseter), Walton Goggins (Laughter), John Leguizamo (Rose), Bill Pullman (Raymond Krueger), Tony Hale (Agent Petey Douglas), Monique Ganderton (Crane) |
Directed By: | Nima Nourizadeh |
Genre: | Action, Comedy |
Produced by: | David AlpertAnthony BregmanMark Fasano Kevin Scott Frakes Britton Rizzio Raj Brinder Singh |
Production company: | PalmStar EntertainmentCircle of ConfusionMerced Media Partners Likely Story The Bridge Finance Company |
Distributed by: | Lionsgate |
Written by: | Max Landis |
Edited by: | Bill Pankow, Andrew Marcus |
Cinematography: | Michael Bonvillain |
Music composed by: | Marcelo Zarvos |
Initially Releasing date: | August 21, 2015 |
Country: | United States |
Running time: | N/A |
Language: | English |
Rating: | N/A |
American Ultra movie preview:
American Ultra 2015 lead actors Jesse Eisenberg and actress Kristen Stewart were first paired together back in 2009 for the coming of age comedy, Adventureland. It’s the second time when this beautiful pair hit the big screen ones again.
On November 21st, 2013, announced by Aspara Distribution that they had acquired the rights to distribute the film outside the United States. While Lionsgate announced on March 1, 2014 that their acquisition of the North American rights to the film.
The Filming of American Ultra began on April 14, 2014 in the New Orleans area and wrapped in mid-June.
American Ultra movie story:
The story of the American Ultra based on a stoner — who is in fact a mind-altered “sleeper” government operative. It is marked as a liability and targeted for extermination. But he’s too well-trained and too high for them to handle.
Watch online American Ultra full movie official Trailer in HD:
Still American Ultra two teaser posters were released. The first teaser of American Ultra 2015 released on May 14, 2015 by MTV. The red band trailer was released by Yahoo! Movies on May 28, 2015. Watch it here in full HD..
American Ultra Official Trailer #1 (2015) – Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart Comedy HD
American Ultra official Teaser-2 has been released on July 20 2015. Watch it here in full HD…
American Ultra – Official Trailer #2 [FULL HD] – Subtitulado por Cinescondite
American Ultra Hindi movie releasing date worldwide:
The team of American Ultra 2015 slated that the film will have hit the theater big screen on August 21, 2015 worldwide.