Batkid Begins: The wish head around the world is an American upcoming documentary, family drama movie of the year. The film is directed by Dana Nachman and produced by John Crane, Brett Fraley, Teresa Fraley, Holly Jachowski, Liza Meak, Lucas Mohageg and Dana Nachman. The story line wrote by Kurt Kuenne and Dana Nachman. Batkid Begins stars Miles Scott, Eric Johnston (Batman), Mike Jutan (The Penguin), Teresa Clovicko and Audrey Copper are on the central character of the movie. Reportedly, Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World is scheduled to be released on 26 June, 2015.
Movie Title: Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World | |
Cast/Starring: Miles Scott Eric Johnston (Batman) Mike Jutan (The Penguin) Teresa Clovicko Audrey Copper | |
Directed By: Dana Nachman | |
Genre: Documentary | Biography | Family | |
Produced by:John Crane, Brett Fraley, Teresa Fraley, Holly Jachowski, Liza Meak, Lucas Mohageg, Dana Nachman | |
Production company: Warner Bros. PicturesNew Line Cinema | |
Written by: Kurt Kuenne, Dana Nachman | |
Distributed by: Submarine Entertainment | |
Edited by: Kurt Kuenne | |
Screenwriters: Dana Nachman, Kurt Kuenne | |
Cinematography: Don Hardy Jr. | |
Music: Dave Tweedie | |
Initially Releasing date: 26 June, 2015 | |
Country: USA | |
Running time: 87 minutes (1 hrs. 27 min.) | |
Language: English | |
Rating: N/A |
Full star cast of Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World
· Teresa Clovicko· Audrey Copper · Katie Cotton · Ama Daetz · Mike DeJesus · Eric Johnston (Batman) · Sue Graham Johnston · Mike Jutan (The Penguin) · Bary Kendall · Patricia Wilson · Hans Zimmer | · Naomi Kyle· Ed Lee · Stefania Pomponi · Miles Scott · Natalie Scott · Nick Scott · Greg Suhr · Chris Taylor · Christopher Verdosci · Philip Watt [The Riddler (as Phillip Watt)] · Jen Wilson |
Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World movie Preview:
In year 2013, the parents of a 5-year-old boy (Miles Scott) recovering from leukemia (Cancer) asked the Greater Bay Area Make-A-Wish Foundation to help him become a superhero for a day.
The event’s announcement went viral, thousands of volunteers and well-wishers flooded the streets of San Francisco, and millions more tuned in online — all recounted in Dana Nachman’s documentary Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World. This is very heart touching story line a documentary, Biography, and Family drama 1 hrs. 27 min. short film.
Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World movie story:
The story line of Batkid Begins is as, On one day, in one city, the world comes together to grant one five-year-old cancer patient boy his wish. Miles Scott (5-years-old young boy), who captured the world’s attention when he Make-A-Wish and Foundation granted his request to be his favorite superhero for a day. Batkid Begins:The Wish Heard Around the World looks at the ‘why’ of this flash phenomenon.
Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World Hindi movie releasing date worldwide:
Dana Nachman directed and produced by John Crane, Brett Fraley, Teresa Fraley under the production house Warner Bros. Pictures and New Line Cinema film Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World scheduled to be released on June 26th, 2015.